Saturday, March 7, 2015

Top Ten Disney Villain Songs

Very simply put: I'm listing my picks for my top ten Disney Villain Songs.   One per series and I have to have seen the movie are the rules.  (So sorry, no Frollo song.) The link to the song should be in the title if you'd like to listen to it. 

#10---   The Siamese Cat Song  --- Lady and the Tramp

It's about as close to villains as this movie gets.   The twin cats, owned by the child's aunt who has come to babysit, sing about how they're going to take over the new household.    Took me awhile to realize why they got the names Si and Am.  It is a catchy tune, which is one of the main reasons it made the list.

#9---   You're Only Second Rate ---  The Return of Jafar

This one isn't higher mainly cause I've only seen this movie once and it was shortly after it was released on video.   It is a very catchy tune and Jafar is one of my favorite Disney villains.   He is as arrogant and confident as it comes and it shows in this song.

#8---   Cruella De Vil ---  101 Dalmatians

I just have to say I get a kick out of Roger performing this song.   He takes delight in taking shots at this woman he finds absolutely repulsive.   Anita tries to keep him down but he goes on.   When he starts playing the piano and pounding on the floor with his foot is probably my favorite part, it usually makes me start laughing. 

#7---  Oogie Boogie's Song ---  Nightmare Before Christmas

I actually didn't see this movie until I was in my early 20's.  Since then I've become a pretty big fan and the soundtrack is one reason why.   I usually can't resist singing along with Oogie Boogie during this number.  

#6---   Every Little Piece ---  Pete's Dragon

I have to wonder how many of the youth today even know of this song.   Even how many have heard of the movie.   It was one of my family's favorites when I was a kid.   Back then I didn't look into the song as deeply.   I just knew they wanted Elliot.   It wasn't till I revisited the song recently that I listened to the lyrics and understood everything they meant.   It fits in with the era of these medicine peddlers who sold, "miracle cures" for just about anything.

#5---   Gaston ---  Beauty and the Beast

I may be in the minority, but with all the amazing music found in this movie, this might actually be my favorite.   Listening to it as an adult, I find myself catching on to the background to it that has that perfect French feel.   I often find myself singing along to it, including all the different parts.

#4---   Friends on the Other Side ---  Princess and the Frog

This is a movie that's grown on me since I first saw it, most particularly the soundtrack.   I really enjoy Keith David's performance as Dr Facilier.  I wouldn't mind seeing Disney cast him in another role in the future.   Fun one to sing along with.

#3---   Be Prepared --- The Lion King

This one has always been one of my all-time favorite Disney songs.   One thing that surprised me was to find out it's performed by two different voice actors.   Jeremy Irons lost his voice in the middle of recording so Disney veteran Jim Cummings stepped in to fill in for him.   No matter how many times I listen to it, I can't figure out where Jeremy ends and Jim starts.  I own this soundtrack in German so I can technically sing this one in two languages.   ;-)

#2---  Poor Unfortunate Souls ---  The Little Mermaid

It was hard not to put this one in my #1 spot.  (I'll explain when I get there.)  The Little Mermaid was one of my favorites as a kid and now I'm revisiting it as my son has become hooked after our trip to Disneyland.   Pat Carroll asked Howard Ashman to perform it for her before she recorded it.   He obliged and she used some of his ad-libbed lines and mannerisms.   ("Pathetic", "Life's full of tough choices,  innit?", "No more talking, singing, zip!")  I just have to hope Pat Carroll came up with the "body language" move.  Ha ha ha.   Just cannot get enough of this villain song. 

#1---   Savages ---  Pocahontas

I only recently saw this movie, yet this song tops my views of villain songs.   Why might you ask?   Because this song deals with reality more so than any other on this list.   This is the eternal struggle of mankind that has raged for centuries and still goes on today.  "They're different from us.   That means they can't be trusted."  Look around you, in your neighborhoods, in the media, around the world,  how many times do WE think that?   How many times are we told the negative about a group of people?  Do we automatically hold a whole group responsible for one news article?   Do you meet somebody of a certain race, ethnicity, religion,  etc and instantly pre-judge them based on experiences they likely had no control over?   Don't let hate be your first impression of anybody.

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox there.   Hope you enjoyed my list!   If you have any I missed or suggestions on ones I should check out, feel free to let me know.