Tuesday, March 19, 2013



For this entry I decided to make a list of the ten most annoying enemies I've ever had to deal with in video games.  Using the same rules that I have to at least played the game and only one per franchise.

 #10---Dan---Street Fighter

    I'm starting with Dan at #10 because he's the one I'm newest to.  I played Mortal Kombat more growing up so I missed Street Fighter as it continued it's franchise.  But I recently picked up Super Street Fighter IV for my 3DS and was introduced to Dan.  I have heard these same things said about him and it's absolutely true.  He is full of himself, even though he's not that great.  He prances away from you at times during the fight!   Plus, come on, he wears freaking pink Gi!

#9---Zinger---Donkey Kong Country

    I love Donkey Kong Country.  I remember when we first got it on our SNES, my brothers and I would spend countless hours trying to beat it.  I also remember how annoying the Zingers were.  Not only did they have spikes on their back, making them impossible to jump on, (unless you had Winky the Frog) they always showed up in the absolute WORST spots.  I particularly hated them in Barrel Blast Canyon or other spots where they barricaded barrel jumps.

#8---Wizard---Final Fantasy

    Another game that my brothers and I worked HOURS away on.  Though we had to tag team it because it only gave you one save file.  These enemies are found later in the game as "random encounter" enemies, but I'm putting them on the list due to their forced fight.  While trying to recover the Prince's crown out of the Marsh Cave, you must first fight these wizards.  If you aren't properly leveled up, these guys will make easy work out of you.  The most annoying part of their attacks is that they can stun you, then if they connect again while you're stunned, it's death, regardless of how much HP you have.  I don't know how many times we had to start the Marsh Cave all over again after being defeated by these wizards.

#7---Jade---Mortal Kombat

    I've played nearly every Mortal Kombat game they have ever released. (besides the spin-offs such as Special Forces and Shaolin Monks)  I'm sad that it seems they don't want to recreate Mortal Kombat 9 for the Wii U now that they have the graphics and processor to support it.  I've dealt with nearly every kombatant in the MK universe and when thinking about creating this list, only one name came into my mind.....Jade.  She makes the list for one special move in particular: her projectile invincibility move.  I don't know how many times I've been fighting her and as soon as I try to throw something at her, she turns invincible and unleashes a massive combo against me.  It's also irritating that the computer can pull it off at the drop of a hat but it seems you can never do it as fast when you attempt it.  (Honorable mention for this spot: Nightwolf and his reflective chest move)

#6---Owls---Ninja Gaiden

    The owls aren't higher on the list due to the fact I haven't played very many Ninja Gaiden games.  But whenever I think Ninja Gaiden, I curse those owls.  They always show up when you're trying to jump from one platform to the next and they infinitely re-spawn.  As soon as you get rid of one, another one will nearly always show up in it's place.   (Sorry, I couldn't find a pic that showed them, so I had to just go with cover art)

#5---Trevelyan's Agents---Goldeneye 64

    The final level of the Goldeneye story (excluding the two bonus levels) is particularly annoying.  First off for the fact you have to chase Trevelyan essentially in circles and second, you have to deal with his minions.  They're also infinitely spawning, if you stop to try to just fight them off you're never going to win.  They're also the strongest stock enemies you have to fight in the game.  When I played this level, I would resort to the tactic of just making sure I stayed as close to Trevelyan as possible and ignoring his henchmen so I could finish the level as quickly as possible without dealing with too many of these guys.


    These things are on the list not only because they're annoying, it's really the first thing in a video game that has actually scared me.  They home in on you like a heat seeking missile and once they latch onto you, it's hard to get them off within ten seconds.  By then you've already lost a good chunk of life.  My tactic was just to pound the B button as quickly as possible and hope I froze them, once frozen I'd just run!  To this day they still give me chills when they appear in whatever game in the Metroid franchise I'm playing.

#3---Iron Knuckle---Legend of Zelda

    These are enemies that have appeared in multiple games in the Zelda franchise, but I'm putting them on this list purely for their appearance in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link on NES.  They carry a shield, which means you have to continually try to attack them high and low, depending on where the shield is located.  Plus you have to avoid their attacks, the early ones just stab at you, but eventually you meet the blue version which throws daggers at you.  These are mega-annoying because they're some of the only enemies that you can't just run from, usually they're placed where you HAVE to go through them to progress in the temple.

#2---Blooper---Super Mario Bros.

    The Super Mario Bros. franchise was a tough one to find an annoying enemy to put onto this list.  When I first thought I was going to create this list, I put Magikoopa on the list.  Then I did some thinking and decided I was going to put Lakitu on the list.  Ultimately, I was playing New Super Mario Bros. U and I came to the ultimate conclusion that Blooper deserves the spot for the Mario franchise.  I already hate water levels, but Blooper makes it SO much worse.  Their pattern of going down and then swimming up should be a pattern you can plan for and avoid, but it's never that easy.  Even when I have a fire flower it seems that they find ways to avoid my fire.  Maybe it's my fault for panicking and just smashing the button to throw fire instead of ensuring that I'm high enough in the water, they annoy me that bad.

#1---Medusa Heads---Castlevania

    These were the instant number one in my head when I decided to create this list.  I cannot even begin to tell you how many deaths and inconveniences these enemies have caused me in multiple Castlevania games.  Their wavy pattern (like Blooper's pattern) should be easy to anticipate and avoid, but they always find a way to hit you, particularly when they're coming from both directions on the screen.  Add onto that the fact that Simon (or whatever protagonist you're playing as) have a tendency to spring backwards when hit and they can cause some major disaster!  Those who have played the original Castlevania know too well the annoyance Medusa Heads cause when you're fighting off knights at the same time!

There are my ten most annoying enemies.  I'm thinking on what my next list will be, if you have an idea, I'd like to hear it!  Maybe if you have an annoying enemy that didn't make my list, I'd like to hear it too!